If your device needs to be repaired by a professional technical team to help give it a second life, simply enter the information below and submit it. One of our professionals will help you with the process.
Your Name *
Please provide your Name.
Country *
Please provide your Country.
Phone NumberEmail Address *
Please provide your Email.
Informaiton of Your Device
ModelSerial Number (SN) *
Please provide your Serial Number.
Purchase Channel
Total Hours of Use
Repair Type Once Repaired
Error CodeWarning Message
Failure Description
Your Name *
Please provide your Name.
Country *
Please provide your Country.
Phone NumberEmail Address *
Please provide your Email.
Informaiton of Your Device
ModelSerial Number (SN) *
Please provide your Serial Number.
Purchase Channel
Total Hours of Use
Repair Type Has Been Repaired
Error CodeWarning Message
Failure Description
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